
How To Make The Marble Flooring

This subject we show you how to make the marble flooring:
The marble flooring, when there is stained, chipped or crystal structure as opposed to any type of tile can be sanded, polished and restored several times. These features allow that lends itself so you always get a pavement in perfect condition. That said, we begin the process that leads us to the laying of the marble floor.

After removing all the tiles, we proceed with leveling cement screed below, adding and swelling missing parts of masonry. At this point, instead of doing the traditional laying of tiles, using the same method you place a fragmented patchwork pieces of marble of different shapes and sizes previously purchased at centers for the construction industry that have the advantage of already selected, and sell the same height.

After occupying the entire surface of the concrete screed is used for marble stucco very diluted, with which they are filled and clogged all the cracks and intersections between every single sliver of marble.

After waiting at least a day to dry, using a polishing machine with abrasive brushes stone, specifications for marble. Two or three coats with this unit which can also be rented, allow you to perfectly level and smooth the surface of the marble floor, then with the same device, and abrasive stones with fine-grained provision is made for polishing with wax diluted in water.

After this phase the entire marble surface is sprinkled with sawdust to absorb excess fluids the day after you remove it all, sweeping the surface and proceed to the final make-up using the wax for floors and a normal polishing to get the classic mirror effect, typical of a marble flooring.

