
How To Remove Stains From Granite

Granite is a porous stone,so time is of the essence when it comes to removing stains. Blot at the stain rather than rubbing it to avoid spreading the stain. The longer a stain sits,the more likely it is to soak in and will be nearly impossible to remove. Here is one removal technique that will work for several common stains.
Top Quality Indoor Marble Waterjet
You Will Need:
Powdered whiting product such as Talc (available at paint and home improvement stores)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Plastic wrap
Small bowl
Clean cloths or sponge
Microfiber cloth

The Removal Process:
1) Poultice is made to absorb the stain out of the granite,but it will take time.
2) Begin by mixing the poultice (powdered whiting and hydrogen peroxide) according to manufacturer’s instructions in the small bowl. You will want to create a thick paste. It should be the consistency of putty.
3) Apply to the stained area, keeping it only on the stain. The layer of paste should be about one fourth of an inch thick and overlap the stain about a half an inch.
4) Cover the area with plastic wrap and tape the edges down.
5) Allow this to set on the stain until it’s dry. This can take up to two days.
6) When the paste is completely dry,use a cloth or sponge to wipe away the paste.
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